8 Things Buyers Don’t Want to See in a Kitchen When prospective buyers visit your listed home, the room they tend to check out most closely is the kitchen. So, it pays to ensure it looks its best.

However, no matter how tidy, clean, and well-adorned you’ve made your kitchen, there are some issues — which can seem minor — that can distract a buyer from appreciating those positive qualities.

Here are just a few to watch out for:

1. Stained sink


Use a specialized cleaner for the type of sink you have. (For example, Stainless Steel Sink Cleaner.)

2. Garbage in the garbage bin

Buyers don’t mind seeing the bin, just not garbage in it! Don’t forget to also empty the organic waste bin.

3. Left-over cooking scents

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There are many reasons why a homeowner might want to move. Examples include upsizing, downsizing, work relocation, or simply desiring a change. However, another popular reason for pulling up stakes is noticing that the neighbourhood is changing in a way that no longer fits your lifestyle goals.

For example, say there’s a shopping mall in development nearby. It may not be impacting you now, but in a couple of years, the increase in traffic and noise could nudge above your tolerance level especially if you prefer quiet!

That’s why it’s important to occasionally take a peek into your crystal ball and see what changes to your neighbourhood you can anticipate over the next two to three years. Of course, there’s no actual crystal ball. But there are…

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When it comes to selling your home with pets though, remember that:

  • Not everybody likes pets in the house;
  • Some people will outright avoid houses with pets;
  • Not everybody wants to see, smell or hear your pets

Unfathomable, but it's true. Some humans just don't like our fur babies... So what do we do?

Here are our best tips for Selling a Home with Pets



Everyone’s favorite part of owning a kitty cat. When it comes to selling though, it must be clean. Always. No evidence. Ever.

Just like real estate, litterboxes are about location, location, location. Try your best to hide it away as best you can.  Of course, do this long before showings begin so that your cat can get used to it and doesn’t rebel. Poo…

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Understanding How your Local Market Works

When you read or watch the news about the real estate market, it may seem reasonable to make the assumption that the information applies equally to your street or community.

But that isn’t always true.

In fact, the characteristics of your local real estate market can differ in many respects from the regional or national market.

Say the regional real estate market is most active during certain months of the year. That might be true of your neighbourhood, too. But there may also be some caveats. If, for example, buyers are eagerly awaiting listings to come up in your community, then that micro market might heat up faster than other areas in the region.

Knowing how your local market works and…

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The beautiful ice bubbles on Abraham Lake

Alberta offers the opportunity for investing in yourself, your family, your career and home ownership is still attainable and affordable!


A quick overview of this incredible Province

Alberta is famous for being home to the Canadian Rockies, sunshine, mountains, open spaces, forests, and fresh air. But we also are home to prairies, forests and desert badlands. We have two major cities, Edmonton and Calgary, that offer metropolitan entertainment, sporting events and dining, while the vast landscape and 500 natural preserves—including 75 provincial parks—offer plenty of activity for outdoorsy adventurers and nature lovers alike.  Whether you want to camp, glamp, hike, fish, boat, ski, jet-ski, ice…

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Upsizing or Downsizing? Don’t Overdo It!

Imagine you have a growing family, and you want to trade in the small sedan for something larger. So, you visit the dealership and come back with a bus.


Well, that would be upsizing a bit too much – unless you have a really huge family!


That’s the challenge of upsizing or downsizing. You need to be careful not to take it too far and end up with something that isn’t suitable.


This often occurs in the real estate world. For example, homeowners might decide to sell their homes and find a smaller one. But, if they go too far, they end up with a property so small they feel claustrophobic.


How do you avoid a similar scenario happening to you?


If you’re thinking of upsizing…

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The Real estate industry is always evolving. From the Cave Men building temporary shelters to the first recorded use of the term “Real Estate” in the 1660s to the first mortgage being issued in 1781 to the first informal association of local real estate agents in 1880 and now we find technology is playing a big role in shaping the future. From virtual tours to online transactions, technology is making it easier for buyers and sellers to connect and conduct business. In this post, we’ll take a look at how technology is revolutionizing the real estate industry, and what that means for agents, buyers, and sellers. From AI-based chatbots to virtual reality, we’ll explore the latest trends and innovations that are changing the way we buy and sell homes.…

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For Sale By Owner: Everything You Need To Know

The last ten years have seen a sharp rise in the number of homeowners choosing to sell their property as part of the FSBO (For Sale By Owner) movement rather than listing with a traditional REALTOR® and/or real estate company to sell your home. Enticed by the premise of pocketing more money from the sale of their home rather than paying out commission to a REALTOR®, many homeowners find they’ve bitten off more than they can chew when it comes to selling their property.

Why is that?

Simply put, selling a home takes a lot of time and effort. Although FSBO is not an impossible path by any means, there are a number of key points to keep in mind before choosing to oversee the sale of your home.


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Keeping your lawn, flowerbeds, and shrubs looking great enhances the “curb appeal” of your property. However, it can also be a lot of work! Here are some do-it-yourself tips for making these tasks easier and less time-consuming:

• Add mulch around trees and shrubs. That way, you won’t have to cut grass in those areas, plus you’ll avoid the need to use shears or a trimmer to do the job properly.

• Adjust lawnmower blades to the optimal height for short, well-groomed grass. That way, you won’t have to mow as often.

• Use tools that don’t require you to bend over or work on your knees. That will greatly reduce fatigue. (Example: Stand-up grass shears.)

• Consider applying mulch in flower beds. That will reduce weeds. It will also help retain…

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Paul Lamba Top Edmonton Realtor

Let’s face it. When you visit a home during a scheduled viewing or open house, you usually see it at its best. The rooms are tidy. The sinks are clean. The closets are organized and uncluttered. Even the lighting is set to its brightest.

That’s just good old-fashioned marketing.

However, not every house you see will look this way. For many reasons, a house on the market may be less than tidy, poorly decorated, and even need minor repairs. You may open the front door in anticipation, only to be immediately turned off by stains on the carpets, faded paint on the walls, cluttered hallways, and more.

First impressions form quickly. It’s easy to make quick judgments and move on. But, you may be passing on what could be a dream home. Don’t make…

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